
Source code for dagster.config.config_type

from enum import Enum as PythonEnum

from dagster import check
from dagster.builtins import BuiltinEnum
from dagster.serdes import whitelist_for_serdes

class ConfigTypeKind(PythonEnum):
    ANY = "ANY"
    ENUM = "ENUM"


    def has_fields(kind):
        check.inst_param(kind, "kind", ConfigTypeKind)
        return kind == ConfigTypeKind.SELECTOR or ConfigTypeKind.is_shape(kind)

    # Closed generic types

    def is_closed_generic(kind):
        check.inst_param(kind, "kind", ConfigTypeKind)
        return (
            kind == ConfigTypeKind.ARRAY
            or kind == ConfigTypeKind.NONEABLE
            or kind == ConfigTypeKind.SCALAR_UNION

    def is_shape(kind):
        check.inst_param(kind, "kind", ConfigTypeKind)
        return kind == ConfigTypeKind.STRICT_SHAPE or kind == ConfigTypeKind.PERMISSIVE_SHAPE

    def is_selector(kind):
        check.inst_param(kind, "kind", ConfigTypeKind)
        return kind == ConfigTypeKind.SELECTOR

class ConfigType:
    The class backing DagsterTypes as they are used processing configuration data.

    def __init__(

        self.key = check.str_param(key, "key")
        self.kind = check.inst_param(kind, "kind", ConfigTypeKind)
        self.given_name = check.opt_str_param(given_name, "given_name")
        self._description = check.opt_str_param(description, "description")
        self.type_params = (
            check.list_param(type_params, "type_params", of_type=ConfigType)
            if type_params
            else None

    def description(self):
        return self._description

    def from_builtin_enum(builtin_enum):
        check.invariant(BuiltinEnum.contains(builtin_enum), "param must be member of BuiltinEnum")
        return _CONFIG_MAP[builtin_enum]

    def post_process(self, value):
        Implement this in order to take a value provided by the user
        and perform computation on it. This can be done to coerce data types,
        fetch things from the environment (e.g. environment variables), or
        to do custom validation. If the value is not valid, throw a
        PostProcessingError. Otherwise return the coerced value.
        return value

class ConfigScalarKind(PythonEnum):
    INT = "INT"
    BOOL = "BOOL"

# Scalars, Composites, Selectors, Lists, Optional, Any

class ConfigScalar(ConfigType):
    def __init__(self, key, given_name, scalar_kind, **kwargs):
        self.scalar_kind = check.inst_param(scalar_kind, "scalar_kind", ConfigScalarKind)
        super(ConfigScalar, self).__init__(
            key, given_name=given_name, kind=ConfigTypeKind.SCALAR, **kwargs

class BuiltinConfigScalar(ConfigScalar):
    def __init__(self, scalar_kind, description=None):
        super(BuiltinConfigScalar, self).__init__(

class Int(BuiltinConfigScalar):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Int, self).__init__(scalar_kind=ConfigScalarKind.INT, description="")

class String(BuiltinConfigScalar):
    def __init__(self):
        super(String, self).__init__(scalar_kind=ConfigScalarKind.STRING, description="")

class Bool(BuiltinConfigScalar):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Bool, self).__init__(scalar_kind=ConfigScalarKind.BOOL, description="")

class Float(BuiltinConfigScalar):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Float, self).__init__(scalar_kind=ConfigScalarKind.FLOAT, description="")

    def post_process(self, value):
        return float(value)

class Any(ConfigType):
    def __init__(self):
        super(Any, self).__init__(

[docs]class Noneable(ConfigType): """Defines a configuration type that is the union of ``NoneType`` and the type ``inner_type``. Args: inner_type (type): The type of the values that this configuration type can contain. **Examples:** .. code-block:: python config_schema={"name": Noneable(str)} config={"name": "Hello"} # Ok config={"name": None} # Ok config={} # Error """ def __init__(self, inner_type): from .field import resolve_to_config_type self.inner_type = resolve_to_config_type(inner_type) super(Noneable, self).__init__( key="Noneable.{inner_type}".format(inner_type=self.inner_type.key), kind=ConfigTypeKind.NONEABLE, type_params=[self.inner_type], )
[docs]class Array(ConfigType): """Defines an array (list) configuration type that contains values of type ``inner_type``. Args: inner_type (type): The type of the values that this configuration type can contain. """ def __init__(self, inner_type): from .field import resolve_to_config_type self.inner_type = resolve_to_config_type(inner_type) super(Array, self).__init__( key="Array.{inner_type}".format(inner_type=self.inner_type.key), type_params=[self.inner_type], kind=ConfigTypeKind.ARRAY, ) @property def description(self): return "List of {inner_type}".format(inner_type=self.key)
[docs]class EnumValue: """Define an entry in a :py:class:`Enum`. Args: config_value (str): The string representation of the config to accept when passed. python_value (Optional[Any]): The python value to convert the enum entry in to. Defaults to the ``config_value``. description (Optional[str]): A human-readable description of the enum entry. """ def __init__(self, config_value, python_value=None, description=None): self.config_value = check.str_param(config_value, "config_value") self.python_value = config_value if python_value is None else python_value self.description = check.opt_str_param(description, "description")
[docs]class Enum(ConfigType): """Defines a enum configuration type that allows one of a defined set of possible values. Args: name (str): The name of the enum configuration type. enum_values (List[EnumValue]): The set of possible values for the enum configuration type. **Examples:** .. code-block:: python @solid( config_schema=Field( Enum( 'CowboyType', [ EnumValue('good'), EnumValue('bad'), EnumValue('ugly'), ] ) ) ) def resolve_standoff(context): # ... """ def __init__(self, name, enum_values): check.str_param(name, "name") super(Enum, self).__init__(key=name, given_name=name, kind=ConfigTypeKind.ENUM) self.enum_values = check.list_param(enum_values, "enum_values", of_type=EnumValue) self._valid_python_values = {ev.python_value for ev in enum_values} check.invariant(len(self._valid_python_values) == len(enum_values)) self._valid_config_values = {ev.config_value for ev in enum_values} check.invariant(len(self._valid_config_values) == len(enum_values)) @property def config_values(self): return [ev.config_value for ev in self.enum_values] def is_valid_config_enum_value(self, config_value): return config_value in self._valid_config_values def post_process(self, value): if isinstance(value, PythonEnum): value = value.name for ev in self.enum_values: if ev.config_value == value: return ev.python_value check.failed( ( "Should never reach this. config_value should be pre-validated. " "Got {config_value}" ).format(config_value=value) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_python_enum(cls, enum, name=None): """ Create a Dagster enum corresponding to an existing Python enum. Args: enum (enum.EnumMeta): The class representing the enum. name (Optional[str]): The name for the enum. If not present, `enum.__name__` will be used. Example: .. code-block:: python class Color(enum.Enum): RED = enum.auto() GREEN = enum.auto() BLUE = enum.auto() @solid( config_schema={"color": Field(Enum.from_python_enum(Color))} ) def select_color(context): # ... """ if name is None: name = enum.__name__ return cls(name, [EnumValue(v.name, python_value=v) for v in enum])
[docs]class ScalarUnion(ConfigType): """Defines a configuration type that accepts a scalar value OR a non-scalar value like a :py:class:`~dagster.List`, :py:class:`~dagster.Dict`, or :py:class:`~dagster.Selector`. This allows runtime scalars to be configured without a dictionary with the key ``value`` and instead just use the scalar value directly. However this still leaves the option to load scalars from a json or pickle file. Args: scalar_type (type): The scalar type of values that this configuration type can hold. For example, :py:class:`~python:int`, :py:class:`~python:float`, :py:class:`~python:bool`, or :py:class:`~python:str`. non_scalar_schema (ConfigSchema): The schema of a non-scalar Dagster configuration type. For example, :py:class:`List`, :py:class:`Dict`, or :py:class:`~dagster.Selector`. key (Optional[str]): The configuation type's unique key. If not set, then the key will be set to ``ScalarUnion.{scalar_type}-{non_scalar_schema}``. **Examples:** .. code-block:: yaml solids: transform_word: inputs: word: value: foobar becomes, optionally, .. code-block:: yaml solids: transform_word: inputs: word: foobar """ def __init__( self, scalar_type, non_scalar_schema, _key=None, ): from .field import resolve_to_config_type self.scalar_type = resolve_to_config_type(scalar_type) self.non_scalar_type = resolve_to_config_type(non_scalar_schema) check.param_invariant(self.scalar_type.kind == ConfigTypeKind.SCALAR, "scalar_type") check.param_invariant( self.non_scalar_type.kind in {ConfigTypeKind.STRICT_SHAPE, ConfigTypeKind.SELECTOR, ConfigTypeKind.ARRAY}, "non_scalar_type", ) # https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/issues/2133 key = check.opt_str_param( _key, "_key", "ScalarUnion.{}-{}".format(self.scalar_type.key, self.non_scalar_type.key) ) super(ScalarUnion, self).__init__( key=key, kind=ConfigTypeKind.SCALAR_UNION, type_params=[self.scalar_type, self.non_scalar_type], )
ConfigAnyInstance = Any() ConfigBoolInstance = Bool() ConfigFloatInstance = Float() ConfigIntInstance = Int() ConfigStringInstance = String() _CONFIG_MAP = { BuiltinEnum.ANY: ConfigAnyInstance, BuiltinEnum.BOOL: ConfigBoolInstance, BuiltinEnum.FLOAT: ConfigFloatInstance, BuiltinEnum.INT: ConfigIntInstance, BuiltinEnum.STRING: ConfigStringInstance, } _CONFIG_MAP_BY_NAME = { "Any": ConfigAnyInstance, "Bool": ConfigBoolInstance, "Float": ConfigFloatInstance, "Int": ConfigIntInstance, "String": ConfigStringInstance, } ALL_CONFIG_BUILTINS = set(_CONFIG_MAP.values()) def get_builtin_scalar_by_name(type_name): if type_name not in _CONFIG_MAP_BY_NAME: check.failed("Scalar {} is not supported".format(type_name)) return _CONFIG_MAP_BY_NAME[type_name]