
Source code for dagster.core.definitions.dependency

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict, namedtuple
from enum import Enum
from typing import (

from dagster import check
from dagster.core.errors import DagsterInvalidDefinitionError
from dagster.serdes import whitelist_for_serdes
from dagster.utils import frozentags

from .hook import HookDefinition
from .input import FanInInputPointer, InputDefinition, InputMapping, InputPointer
from .output import OutputDefinition
from .utils import DEFAULT_OUTPUT, struct_to_string, validate_tags

    from .composition import MappedInputPlaceholder
    from .graph import GraphDefinition
    from .solid import NodeDefinition

[docs]class SolidInvocation(namedtuple("Solid", "name alias tags hook_defs")): """Identifies an instance of a solid in a pipeline dependency structure. Args: name (str): Name of the solid of which this is an instance. alias (Optional[str]): Name specific to this instance of the solid. Necessary when there are multiple instances of the same solid. tags (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): Optional tags values to extend or override those set on the solid definition. hook_defs (Optional[Set[HookDefinition]]): A set of hook definitions applied to the solid instance. Examples: .. code-block:: python pipeline = PipelineDefinition( solid_defs=[solid_1, solid_2] dependencies={ SolidInvocation('solid_1', alias='other_name') : { 'input_name' : DependencyDefinition('solid_1'), }, 'solid_2' : { 'input_name': DependencyDefinition('other_name'), }, } ) In general, users should prefer not to construct this class directly or use the :py:class:`PipelineDefinition` API that requires instances of this class. Instead, use the :py:func:`@pipeline <pipeline>` API: .. code-block:: python @pipeline def pipeline(): other_name = solid_1.alias('other_name') solid_2(other_name(solid_1)) """ def __new__( cls, name: str, alias: Optional[str] = None, tags: Dict[str, str] = None, hook_defs: FrozenSet[HookDefinition] = None, ): name = check.str_param(name, "name") alias = check.opt_str_param(alias, "alias") tags = frozentags(check.opt_dict_param(tags, "tags", value_type=str, key_type=str)) hook_defs = frozenset(check.opt_set_param(hook_defs, "hook_defs", of_type=HookDefinition)) return super(cls, SolidInvocation).__new__(cls, name, alias, tags, hook_defs)
class Solid: """ Solid invocation within a pipeline. Defined by its name inside the pipeline. Attributes: name (str): Name of the solid inside the pipeline. Must be unique per-pipeline. definition (NodeDefinition): Definition of the Node. """ def __init__( self, name: str, definition: "NodeDefinition", graph_definition: "GraphDefinition", tags: Dict[str, str] = None, hook_defs: Optional[Set[HookDefinition]] = None, ): from .graph import GraphDefinition from .solid import NodeDefinition self.name = check.str_param(name, "name") self.definition = check.inst_param(definition, "definition", NodeDefinition) self.graph_definition = check.inst_param( graph_definition, "graph_definition", GraphDefinition, ) self._additional_tags = validate_tags(tags) self._hook_defs = check.opt_set_param(hook_defs, "hook_defs", of_type=HookDefinition) input_handles = {} for name, input_def in self.definition.input_dict.items(): input_handles[name] = SolidInputHandle(self, input_def) self._input_handles = input_handles output_handles = {} for name, output_def in self.definition.output_dict.items(): output_handles[name] = SolidOutputHandle(self, output_def) self._output_handles = output_handles def input_handles(self): return self._input_handles.values() def output_handles(self): return self._output_handles.values() def input_handle(self, name: str) -> "SolidInputHandle": check.str_param(name, "name") return self._input_handles[name] def output_handle(self, name: str) -> "SolidOutputHandle": check.str_param(name, "name") return self._output_handles[name] def has_input(self, name: str) -> bool: return self.definition.has_input(name) def input_def_named(self, name: str) -> InputDefinition: return self.definition.input_def_named(name) def has_output(self, name: str) -> bool: return self.definition.has_output(name) def output_def_named(self, name: str) -> OutputDefinition: return self.definition.output_def_named(name) @property def is_composite(self) -> bool: from .graph import GraphDefinition return isinstance(self.definition, GraphDefinition) @property def input_dict(self): return self.definition.input_dict @property def output_dict(self): return self.definition.output_dict @property def tags(self) -> frozentags: return self.definition.tags.updated_with(self._additional_tags) def container_maps_input(self, input_name: str) -> bool: return ( self.graph_definition.input_mapping_for_pointer(InputPointer(self.name, input_name)) is not None ) def container_mapped_input(self, input_name: str) -> InputMapping: return self.graph_definition.input_mapping_for_pointer(InputPointer(self.name, input_name)) def container_maps_fan_in_input(self, input_name: str, fan_in_index: int) -> bool: return ( self.graph_definition.input_mapping_for_pointer( FanInInputPointer(self.name, input_name, fan_in_index) ) is not None ) def container_mapped_fan_in_input(self, input_name: str, fan_in_index: int) -> InputMapping: return self.graph_definition.input_mapping_for_pointer( FanInInputPointer(self.name, input_name, fan_in_index) ) @property def hook_defs(self) -> Set[HookDefinition]: return self._hook_defs @whitelist_for_serdes class SolidHandle(namedtuple("_SolidHandle", "name parent")): def __new__(cls, name: str, parent: Optional["SolidHandle"]): return super(SolidHandle, cls).__new__( cls, check.str_param(name, "name"), check.opt_inst_param(parent, "parent", SolidHandle), ) def __str__(self): return self.to_string() @property def path(self) -> List[str]: """Return a list representation of the handle. Inverse of SolidHandle.from_path. Returns: List[str]: """ path = [] cur = self while cur: path.append(cur.name) cur = cur.parent path.reverse() return path def to_string(self) -> str: """Return a unique string representation of the handle. Inverse of SolidHandle.from_string. """ return self.parent.to_string() + "." + self.name if self.parent else self.name def is_or_descends_from(self, handle: "SolidHandle") -> bool: """Check if the handle is or descends from another handle. Args: handle (SolidHandle): The handle to check against. Returns: bool: """ check.inst_param(handle, "handle", SolidHandle) for idx in range(len(handle.path)): if idx >= len(self.path): return False if self.path[idx] != handle.path[idx]: return False return True def pop(self, ancestor: "SolidHandle") -> Optional["SolidHandle"]: """Return a copy of the handle with some of its ancestors pruned. Args: ancestor (SolidHandle): Handle to an ancestor of the current handle. Returns: SolidHandle: Example: .. code-block:: python handle = SolidHandle('baz', SolidHandle('bar', SolidHandle('foo', None))) ancestor = SolidHandle('bar', SolidHandle('foo', None)) assert handle.pop(ancestor) == SolidHandle('baz', None) """ check.inst_param(ancestor, "ancestor", SolidHandle) check.invariant( self.is_or_descends_from(ancestor), "Handle {handle} does not descend from {ancestor}".format( handle=self.to_string(), ancestor=ancestor.to_string() ), ) return SolidHandle.from_path(self.path[len(ancestor.path) :]) def with_ancestor(self, ancestor: "SolidHandle") -> Optional["SolidHandle"]: """Returns a copy of the handle with an ancestor grafted on. Args: ancestor (SolidHandle): Handle to the new ancestor. Returns: SolidHandle: Example: .. code-block:: python handle = SolidHandle('baz', SolidHandle('bar', SolidHandle('foo', None))) ancestor = SolidHandle('quux' None) assert handle.with_ancestor(ancestor) == SolidHandle( 'baz', SolidHandle('bar', SolidHandle('foo', SolidHandle('quux', None))) ) """ check.opt_inst_param(ancestor, "ancestor", SolidHandle) return SolidHandle.from_path((ancestor.path if ancestor else []) + self.path) @staticmethod def from_path(path: List[str]) -> Optional["SolidHandle"]: check.list_param(path, "path", of_type=str) cur = None while len(path) > 0: cur = SolidHandle(name=path.pop(0), parent=cur) return cur @staticmethod def from_string(handle_str: str) -> Optional["SolidHandle"]: check.str_param(handle_str, "handle_str") path = handle_str.split(".") return SolidHandle.from_path(path) @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dict_repr: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional["SolidHandle"]: """This method makes it possible to load a potentially nested SolidHandle after a roundtrip through json.loads(json.dumps(SolidHandle._asdict()))""" check.dict_param(dict_repr, "dict_repr", key_type=str) check.invariant( "name" in dict_repr, "Dict representation of SolidHandle must have a 'name' key" ) check.invariant( "parent" in dict_repr, "Dict representation of SolidHandle must have a 'parent' key" ) if isinstance(dict_repr["parent"], (list, tuple)): dict_repr["parent"] = SolidHandle.from_dict( { "name": dict_repr["parent"][0], "parent": dict_repr["parent"][1], } ) return SolidHandle(**{k: dict_repr[k] for k in ["name", "parent"]}) class SolidInputHandle(namedtuple("_SolidInputHandle", "solid input_def")): def __new__(cls, solid: Solid, input_def: InputDefinition): return super(SolidInputHandle, cls).__new__( cls, check.inst_param(solid, "solid", Solid), check.inst_param(input_def, "input_def", InputDefinition), ) def _inner_str(self) -> str: return struct_to_string( "SolidInputHandle", solid_name=self.solid.name, input_name=self.input_def.name, ) def __str__(self): return self._inner_str() def __repr__(self): return self._inner_str() def __hash__(self): return hash((self.solid.name, self.input_def.name)) def __eq__(self, other): return self.solid.name == other.solid.name and self.input_def.name == other.input_def.name @property def solid_name(self) -> str: return self.solid.name @property def input_name(self) -> str: return self.input_def.name class SolidOutputHandle(namedtuple("_SolidOutputHandle", "solid output_def")): def __new__(cls, solid: Solid, output_def: OutputDefinition): return super(SolidOutputHandle, cls).__new__( cls, check.inst_param(solid, "solid", Solid), check.inst_param(output_def, "output_def", OutputDefinition), ) def _inner_str(self) -> str: return struct_to_string( "SolidOutputHandle", solid_name=self.solid.name, output_name=self.output_def.name, ) def __str__(self): return self._inner_str() def __repr__(self): return self._inner_str() def __hash__(self): return hash((self.solid.name, self.output_def.name)) def __eq__(self, other: Any): return self.solid.name == other.solid.name and self.output_def.name == other.output_def.name def describe(self) -> str: return f"{self.solid_name}:{self.output_def.name}" @property def solid_name(self) -> str: return self.solid.name @property def is_dynamic(self) -> bool: return self.output_def.is_dynamic class DependencyType(Enum): DIRECT = "DIRECT" FAN_IN = "FAN_IN" DYNAMIC_COLLECT = "DYNAMIC_COLLECT" class IDependencyDefinition(ABC): # pylint: disable=no-init @abstractmethod def get_solid_dependencies(self) -> List["DependencyDefinition"]: pass @abstractmethod def is_fan_in(self) -> bool: """The result passed to the corresponding input will be a List made from different solid outputs"""
[docs]class DependencyDefinition( namedtuple("_DependencyDefinition", "solid output description"), IDependencyDefinition ): """Represents an edge in the DAG of solid instances forming a pipeline. This object is used at the leaves of a dictionary structure that represents the complete dependency structure of a pipeline whose keys represent the dependent solid and dependent input, so this object only contains information about the dependee. Concretely, if the input named 'input' of solid_b depends on the output named 'result' of solid_a, this structure will look as follows: .. code-block:: python dependency_structure = { 'solid_b': { 'input': DependencyDefinition('solid_a', 'result') } } In general, users should prefer not to construct this class directly or use the :py:class:`PipelineDefinition` API that requires instances of this class. Instead, use the :py:func:`@pipeline <pipeline>` API: .. code-block:: python @pipeline def pipeline(): solid_b(solid_a()) Args: solid (str): The name of the solid that is depended on, that is, from which the value passed between the two solids originates. output (Optional[str]): The name of the output that is depended on. (default: "result") description (Optional[str]): Human-readable description of this dependency. """ def __new__(cls, solid: str, output: str = DEFAULT_OUTPUT, description: Optional[str] = None): return super(DependencyDefinition, cls).__new__( cls, check.str_param(solid, "solid"), check.str_param(output, "output"), check.opt_str_param(description, "description"), ) def get_solid_dependencies(self) -> List["DependencyDefinition"]: return [self] def is_fan_in(self) -> bool: return False
[docs]class MultiDependencyDefinition( namedtuple("_MultiDependencyDefinition", "dependencies"), IDependencyDefinition ): """Represents a fan-in edge in the DAG of solid instances forming a pipeline. This object is used only when an input of type ``List[T]`` is assembled by fanning-in multiple upstream outputs of type ``T``. This object is used at the leaves of a dictionary structure that represents the complete dependency structure of a pipeline whose keys represent the dependent solid and dependent input, so this object only contains information about the dependee. Concretely, if the input named 'input' of solid_c depends on the outputs named 'result' of solid_a and solid_b, this structure will look as follows: .. code-block:: python dependency_structure = { 'solid_c': { 'input': MultiDependencyDefinition( [ DependencyDefinition('solid_a', 'result'), DependencyDefinition('solid_b', 'result') ] ) } } In general, users should prefer not to construct this class directly or use the :py:class:`PipelineDefinition` API that requires instances of this class. Instead, use the :py:func:`@pipeline <pipeline>` API: .. code-block:: python @pipeline def pipeline(): solid_c(solid_a(), solid_b()) Args: solid (str): The name of the solid that is depended on, that is, from which the value passed between the two solids originates. output (Optional[str]): The name of the output that is depended on. (default: "result") description (Optional[str]): Human-readable description of this dependency. """ def __new__(cls, dependencies: List[Union[DependencyDefinition, "MappedInputPlaceholder"]]): from .composition import MappedInputPlaceholder deps = check.list_param(dependencies, "dependencies") seen = {} for dep in deps: if isinstance(dep, DependencyDefinition): key = dep.solid + ":" + dep.output if key in seen: raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( 'Duplicate dependencies on solid "{dep.solid}" output "{dep.output}" ' "used in the same MultiDependencyDefinition.".format(dep=dep) ) seen[key] = True elif dep is MappedInputPlaceholder: pass else: check.failed("Unexpected dependencies entry {}".format(dep)) return super(MultiDependencyDefinition, cls).__new__(cls, deps) def get_solid_dependencies(self) -> List[DependencyDefinition]: return [dep for dep in self.dependencies if isinstance(dep, DependencyDefinition)] def is_fan_in(self) -> bool: return True def get_dependencies_and_mappings(self) -> List: return self.dependencies
class DynamicCollectDependencyDefinition( NamedTuple("_DynamicCollectDependencyDefinition", [("solid_name", str), ("output_name", str)]), IDependencyDefinition, ): def get_solid_dependencies(self) -> List[DependencyDefinition]: return [DependencyDefinition(self.solid_name, self.output_name)] def is_fan_in(self) -> bool: return True DepTypeAndOutputHandles = Tuple[ DependencyType, Union[SolidOutputHandle, List[Union[SolidOutputHandle, Type["MappedInputPlaceholder"]]]], ] InputToOutputHandleDict = Dict[SolidInputHandle, DepTypeAndOutputHandles] def _create_handle_dict( solid_dict: Dict[str, Solid], dep_dict: Dict[str, Dict[str, IDependencyDefinition]], ) -> InputToOutputHandleDict: from .composition import MappedInputPlaceholder check.dict_param(solid_dict, "solid_dict", key_type=str, value_type=Solid) check.two_dim_dict_param(dep_dict, "dep_dict", value_type=IDependencyDefinition) handle_dict: InputToOutputHandleDict = {} for solid_name, input_dict in dep_dict.items(): from_solid = solid_dict[solid_name] for input_name, dep_def in input_dict.items(): if isinstance(dep_def, MultiDependencyDefinition): handles: List[Union[SolidOutputHandle, Type[MappedInputPlaceholder]]] = [] for inner_dep in dep_def.get_dependencies_and_mappings(): if isinstance(inner_dep, DependencyDefinition): handles.append(solid_dict[inner_dep.solid].output_handle(inner_dep.output)) elif inner_dep is MappedInputPlaceholder: handles.append(inner_dep) else: check.failed( "Unexpected MultiDependencyDefinition dependencies type {}".format( inner_dep ) ) handle_dict[from_solid.input_handle(input_name)] = (DependencyType.FAN_IN, handles) elif isinstance(dep_def, DependencyDefinition): handle_dict[from_solid.input_handle(input_name)] = ( DependencyType.DIRECT, solid_dict[dep_def.solid].output_handle(dep_def.output), ) elif isinstance(dep_def, DynamicCollectDependencyDefinition): handle_dict[from_solid.input_handle(input_name)] = ( DependencyType.DYNAMIC_COLLECT, solid_dict[dep_def.solid_name].output_handle(dep_def.output_name), ) else: check.failed(f"Unknown dependency type {dep_def}") return handle_dict class DependencyStructure: @staticmethod def from_definitions(solids: Dict[str, Solid], dep_dict: Dict[str, Any]): return DependencyStructure(list(dep_dict.keys()), _create_handle_dict(solids, dep_dict)) def __init__(self, solid_names: List[str], handle_dict: InputToOutputHandleDict): self._solid_names = solid_names self._handle_dict = handle_dict # Building up a couple indexes here so that one can look up all the upstream output handles # or downstream input handles in O(1). Without this, this can become O(N^2) where N is solid # count during the GraphQL query in particular # solid_name => input_handle => list[output_handle] self._solid_input_index: dict = defaultdict(dict) # solid_name => output_handle => list[input_handle] self._solid_output_index: dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list)) # solid_name => dynamic output_handle that this will solid dupe for self._dynamic_fan_out_index: dict = {} # solid_name => set of dynamic output_handle this collects over self._collect_index: Dict[str, set] = defaultdict(set) for input_handle, (dep_type, output_handle_or_list) in self._handle_dict.items(): if dep_type == DependencyType.FAN_IN: output_handle_list = [] for handle in output_handle_or_list: if not isinstance(handle, SolidOutputHandle): continue if handle.is_dynamic: raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( "Currently, items in a fan-in dependency cannot be downstream of dynamic outputs. " f'Problematic dependency on dynamic output "{handle.describe()}".' ) if self._dynamic_fan_out_index.get(handle.solid_name): raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( "Currently, items in a fan-in dependency cannot be downstream of dynamic outputs. " f'Problematic dependency on output "{handle.describe()}", downstream of ' f'"{self._dynamic_fan_out_index[handle.solid_name].describe()}".' ) output_handle_list.append(handle) elif dep_type == DependencyType.DIRECT: output_handle = cast(SolidOutputHandle, output_handle_or_list) if output_handle.is_dynamic: self._validate_and_set_fan_out(input_handle, output_handle) if self._dynamic_fan_out_index.get(output_handle.solid_name): self._validate_and_set_fan_out( input_handle, self._dynamic_fan_out_index[output_handle.solid_name] ) output_handle_list = [output_handle] elif dep_type == DependencyType.DYNAMIC_COLLECT: output_handle = cast(SolidOutputHandle, output_handle_or_list) if output_handle.is_dynamic: self._validate_and_set_collect(input_handle, output_handle) elif self._dynamic_fan_out_index.get(output_handle.solid_name): self._validate_and_set_collect( input_handle, self._dynamic_fan_out_index[output_handle.solid_name], ) else: check.failed("Unexpected dynamic fan in dep created") output_handle_list = [output_handle] else: check.failed(f"Unexpected dep type {dep_type}") self._solid_input_index[input_handle.solid.name][input_handle] = output_handle_list for output_handle in output_handle_list: self._solid_output_index[output_handle.solid.name][output_handle].append( input_handle ) def _validate_and_set_fan_out( self, input_handle: SolidInputHandle, output_handle: SolidOutputHandle ) -> Any: """Helper function for populating _dynamic_fan_out_index""" if not input_handle.solid.definition.input_supports_dynamic_output_dep( input_handle.input_name ): raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( f'Solid "{input_handle.solid_name}" cannot be downstream of dynamic output ' f'"{output_handle.describe()}" since input "{input_handle.input_name}" maps to a solid ' "that is already downstream of another dynamic output. Solids cannot be downstream of more " "than one dynamic output" ) if self._collect_index.get(input_handle.solid_name): raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( f'Solid "{input_handle.solid_name}" cannot be both downstream of dynamic output ' f"{output_handle.describe()} and collect over dynamic output " f"{list(self._collect_index[input_handle.solid_name])[0].describe()}." ) if self._dynamic_fan_out_index.get(input_handle.solid_name) is None: self._dynamic_fan_out_index[input_handle.solid_name] = output_handle return if self._dynamic_fan_out_index[input_handle.solid_name] != output_handle: raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( f'Solid "{input_handle.solid_name}" cannot be downstream of more than one dynamic output. ' f'It is downstream of both "{output_handle.describe()}" and ' f'"{self._dynamic_fan_out_index[input_handle.solid_name].describe()}"' ) def _validate_and_set_collect( self, input_handle: SolidInputHandle, output_handle: SolidOutputHandle, ): if self._dynamic_fan_out_index.get(input_handle.solid_name): raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( f'Solid "{input_handle.solid_name}" cannot both collect over dynamic output ' f"{output_handle.describe()} and be downstream of the dynamic output " f"{self._dynamic_fan_out_index[input_handle.solid_name].describe()}." ) self._collect_index[input_handle.solid_name].add(output_handle) # if the output is already fanned out if self._dynamic_fan_out_index.get(output_handle.solid_name): raise DagsterInvalidDefinitionError( f'Solid "{input_handle.solid_name}" cannot be downstream of more than one dynamic output. ' f'It is downstream of both "{output_handle.describe()}" and ' f'"{self._dynamic_fan_out_index[output_handle.solid_name].describe()}"' ) def all_upstream_outputs_from_solid(self, solid_name: str) -> List[SolidOutputHandle]: check.str_param(solid_name, "solid_name") # flatten out all outputs that feed into the inputs of this solid return [ output_handle for output_handle_list in self._solid_input_index[solid_name].values() for output_handle in output_handle_list ] def input_to_upstream_outputs_for_solid(self, solid_name: str) -> Any: """ Returns a Dict[SolidInputHandle, List[SolidOutputHandle]] that encodes where all the the inputs are sourced from upstream. Usually the List[SolidOutputHandle] will be a list of one, except for the multi-dependency case. """ check.str_param(solid_name, "solid_name") return self._solid_input_index[solid_name] def output_to_downstream_inputs_for_solid(self, solid_name: str) -> Any: """ Returns a Dict[SolidOutputHandle, List[SolidInputHandle]] that represents all the downstream inputs for each output in the dictionary """ check.str_param(solid_name, "solid_name") return self._solid_output_index[solid_name] def has_direct_dep(self, solid_input_handle: SolidInputHandle) -> bool: check.inst_param(solid_input_handle, "solid_input_handle", SolidInputHandle) if solid_input_handle not in self._handle_dict: return False dep_type, _ = self._handle_dict[solid_input_handle] return dep_type == DependencyType.DIRECT def get_direct_dep(self, solid_input_handle: SolidInputHandle) -> SolidOutputHandle: check.inst_param(solid_input_handle, "solid_input_handle", SolidInputHandle) dep_type, dep = self._handle_dict[solid_input_handle] check.invariant( dep_type == DependencyType.DIRECT, f"Cannot call get_direct_dep when dep is not singular, got {dep_type}", ) return cast(SolidOutputHandle, dep) def has_fan_in_deps(self, solid_input_handle: SolidInputHandle) -> bool: check.inst_param(solid_input_handle, "solid_input_handle", SolidInputHandle) if solid_input_handle not in self._handle_dict: return False dep_type, _ = self._handle_dict[solid_input_handle] return dep_type == DependencyType.FAN_IN def get_fan_in_deps( self, solid_input_handle: SolidInputHandle ) -> List[Union[SolidOutputHandle, Type["MappedInputPlaceholder"]]]: check.inst_param(solid_input_handle, "solid_input_handle", SolidInputHandle) dep_type, deps = self._handle_dict[solid_input_handle] check.invariant( dep_type == DependencyType.FAN_IN, f"Cannot call get_multi_dep when dep is not fan in, got {dep_type}", ) return cast(List[Union[SolidOutputHandle, Type["MappedInputPlaceholder"]]], deps) def has_dynamic_fan_in_dep(self, solid_input_handle: SolidInputHandle) -> bool: check.inst_param(solid_input_handle, "solid_input_handle", SolidInputHandle) if solid_input_handle not in self._handle_dict: return False dep_type, _ = self._handle_dict[solid_input_handle] return dep_type == DependencyType.DYNAMIC_COLLECT def get_dynamic_fan_in_dep(self, solid_input_handle: SolidInputHandle) -> SolidOutputHandle: check.inst_param(solid_input_handle, "solid_input_handle", SolidInputHandle) dep_type, dep = self._handle_dict[solid_input_handle] check.invariant( dep_type == DependencyType.DYNAMIC_COLLECT, f"Cannot call get_dynamic_fan_in_dep when dep is not, got {dep_type}", ) return cast(SolidOutputHandle, dep) def has_deps(self, solid_input_handle: SolidInputHandle) -> bool: check.inst_param(solid_input_handle, "solid_input_handle", SolidInputHandle) return solid_input_handle in self._handle_dict def get_deps_list(self, solid_input_handle: SolidInputHandle) -> List[SolidOutputHandle]: check.inst_param(solid_input_handle, "solid_input_handle", SolidInputHandle) check.invariant(self.has_deps(solid_input_handle)) dep_type, handle_or_list = self._handle_dict[solid_input_handle] if dep_type == DependencyType.DIRECT: return [cast(SolidOutputHandle, handle_or_list)] elif dep_type == DependencyType.DYNAMIC_COLLECT: return [cast(SolidOutputHandle, handle_or_list)] elif dep_type == DependencyType.FAN_IN: return [handle for handle in handle_or_list if isinstance(handle, SolidOutputHandle)] else: check.failed(f"Unexpected dep type {dep_type}") def input_handles(self) -> List[SolidInputHandle]: return list(self._handle_dict.keys()) def get_upstream_dynamic_handle_for_solid(self, solid_name: str) -> Any: return self._dynamic_fan_out_index.get(solid_name) def get_dependency_type(self, solid_input_handle: SolidInputHandle) -> Optional[DependencyType]: result = self._handle_dict.get(solid_input_handle) if result is None: return None dep_type, _ = result return dep_type def is_dynamic_mapped(self, solid_name: str) -> bool: return solid_name in self._dynamic_fan_out_index