
Source code for dagster.core.storage.runs.sqlite.sqlite_run_storage

import os
from contextlib import contextmanager
from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse

import sqlalchemy as db
from dagster import StringSource, check
from dagster.core.storage.sql import (
from dagster.core.storage.sqlite import create_db_conn_string
from dagster.serdes import ConfigurableClass, ConfigurableClassData
from dagster.utils import mkdir_p
from sqlalchemy.pool import NullPool

from ..schema import RunStorageSqlMetadata, RunTagsTable, RunsTable
from ..sql_run_storage import SqlRunStorage

[docs]class SqliteRunStorage(SqlRunStorage, ConfigurableClass): """SQLite-backed run storage. Users should not directly instantiate this class; it is instantiated by internal machinery when ``dagit`` and ``dagster-graphql`` load, based on the values in the ``dagster.yaml`` file in ``$DAGSTER_HOME``. Configuration of this class should be done by setting values in that file. This is the default run storage when none is specified in the ``dagster.yaml``. To explicitly specify SQLite for run storage, you can add a block such as the following to your ``dagster.yaml``: .. code-block:: YAML run_storage: module: dagster.core.storage.runs class: SqliteRunStorage config: base_dir: /path/to/dir The ``base_dir`` param tells the run storage where on disk to store the database. """ def __init__(self, conn_string, inst_data=None): check.str_param(conn_string, "conn_string") self._conn_string = conn_string self._inst_data = check.opt_inst_param(inst_data, "inst_data", ConfigurableClassData) super().__init__() @property def inst_data(self): return self._inst_data @classmethod def config_type(cls): return {"base_dir": StringSource} @staticmethod def from_config_value(inst_data, config_value): return SqliteRunStorage.from_local(inst_data=inst_data, **config_value) @staticmethod def from_local(base_dir, inst_data=None): check.str_param(base_dir, "base_dir") mkdir_p(base_dir) conn_string = create_db_conn_string(base_dir, "runs") engine = create_engine(conn_string, poolclass=NullPool) alembic_config = get_alembic_config(__file__) should_mark_indexes = False with engine.connect() as connection: db_revision, head_revision = check_alembic_revision(alembic_config, connection) if not (db_revision and head_revision): RunStorageSqlMetadata.create_all(engine) engine.execute("PRAGMA journal_mode=WAL;") stamp_alembic_rev(alembic_config, connection) should_mark_indexes = True run_storage = SqliteRunStorage(conn_string, inst_data) if should_mark_indexes: # mark all secondary indexes run_storage.build_missing_indexes() return run_storage @contextmanager def connect(self): engine = create_engine(self._conn_string, poolclass=NullPool) conn = engine.connect() try: with handle_schema_errors( conn, get_alembic_config(__file__), msg="Sqlite run storage requires migration", ): yield conn finally: conn.close() def _alembic_upgrade(self, rev="head"): alembic_config = get_alembic_config(__file__) with self.connect() as conn: run_alembic_upgrade(alembic_config, conn, rev=rev) def _alembic_downgrade(self, rev="head"): alembic_config = get_alembic_config(__file__) with self.connect() as conn: run_alembic_downgrade(alembic_config, conn, rev=rev) def upgrade(self): self._check_for_version_066_migration_and_perform() self._alembic_upgrade() # In version 0.6.6, we changed the layout of the of the sqllite dbs on disk # to move from the root of DAGSTER_HOME/runs.db to DAGSTER_HOME/history/runs.bd # This function checks for that condition and does the move def _check_for_version_066_migration_and_perform(self): old_conn_string = "sqlite://" + urljoin(urlparse(self._conn_string).path, "../runs.db") path_to_old_db = urlparse(old_conn_string).path # sqlite URLs look like `sqlite:///foo/bar/baz on Unix/Mac` but on Windows they look like # `sqlite:///D:/foo/bar/baz` (or `sqlite:///D:\foo\bar\baz`) if os.name == "nt": path_to_old_db = path_to_old_db.lstrip("/") if os.path.exists(path_to_old_db): old_storage = SqliteRunStorage(old_conn_string) old_runs = old_storage.get_runs() for run in old_runs: self.add_run(run) os.unlink(path_to_old_db) def delete_run(self, run_id): """Override the default sql delete run implementation until we can get full support on cascading deletes""" check.str_param(run_id, "run_id") remove_tags = db.delete(RunTagsTable).where(RunTagsTable.c.run_id == run_id) remove_run = db.delete(RunsTable).where(RunsTable.c.run_id == run_id) with self.connect() as conn: conn.execute(remove_tags) conn.execute(remove_run)