
Source code for dagster_databricks.databricks_pyspark_step_launcher

import io
import os.path
import pickle
import tempfile

from dagster import Bool, Field, StringSource, check, resource
from dagster.core.definitions.step_launcher import StepLauncher
from dagster.core.errors import raise_execution_interrupts
from dagster.core.events import log_step_event
from dagster.core.execution.plan.external_step import (
from dagster.serdes import deserialize_value
from dagster_databricks import DatabricksJobRunner, databricks_step_main
from dagster_pyspark.utils import build_pyspark_zip

from .configs import (

CODE_ZIP_NAME = "code.zip"

[docs]@resource( { "run_config": define_databricks_submit_run_config(), "databricks_host": Field( StringSource, is_required=True, description="Databricks host, e.g. uksouth.azuredatabricks.com", ), "databricks_token": Field( StringSource, is_required=True, description="Databricks access token", ), "secrets_to_env_variables": define_databricks_secrets_config(), "storage": define_databricks_storage_config(), "local_pipeline_package_path": Field( StringSource, is_required=True, description="Absolute path to the package that contains the pipeline definition(s) " "whose steps will execute remotely on Databricks. This is a path on the local " "fileystem of the process executing the pipeline. Before every step run, the " "launcher will zip up the code in this path, upload it to DBFS, and unzip it " "into the Python path of the remote Spark process. This gives the remote process " "access to up-to-date user code.", ), "staging_prefix": Field( StringSource, is_required=False, default_value="/dagster_staging", description="Directory in DBFS to use for uploaded job code. Must be absolute.", ), "wait_for_logs": Field( Bool, is_required=False, default_value=False, description="If set, and if the specified cluster is configured to export logs, " "the system will wait after job completion for the logs to appear in the configured " "location. Note that logs are copied every 5 minutes, so enabling this will add " "several minutes to the job runtime.", ), } ) def databricks_pyspark_step_launcher(context): """Resource for running solids as a Databricks Job. When this resource is used, the solid will be executed in Databricks using the 'Run Submit' API. Pipeline code will be zipped up and copied to a directory in DBFS along with the solid's execution context. Use the 'run_config' configuration to specify the details of the Databricks cluster used, and the 'storage' key to configure persistent storage on that cluster. Storage is accessed by setting the credentials in the Spark context, as documented `here for S3`_ and `here for ADLS`_. .. _`here for S3`: https://docs.databricks.com/data/data-sources/aws/amazon-s3.html#alternative-1-set-aws-keys-in-the-spark-context .. _`here for ADLS`: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/azure/databricks/data/data-sources/azure/azure-datalake-gen2#--access-directly-using-the-storage-account-access-key """ return DatabricksPySparkStepLauncher(**context.resource_config)
class DatabricksPySparkStepLauncher(StepLauncher): def __init__( self, run_config, databricks_host, databricks_token, secrets_to_env_variables, storage, local_pipeline_package_path, staging_prefix, wait_for_logs, ): self.run_config = check.dict_param(run_config, "run_config") self.databricks_host = check.str_param(databricks_host, "databricks_host") self.databricks_token = check.str_param(databricks_token, "databricks_token") self.secrets = check.list_param(secrets_to_env_variables, "secrets_to_env_variables", dict) self.storage = check.dict_param(storage, "storage") self.local_pipeline_package_path = check.str_param( local_pipeline_package_path, "local_pipeline_package_path" ) self.staging_prefix = check.str_param(staging_prefix, "staging_prefix") check.invariant(staging_prefix.startswith("/"), "staging_prefix must be an absolute path") self.wait_for_logs = check.bool_param(wait_for_logs, "wait_for_logs") self.databricks_runner = DatabricksJobRunner(host=databricks_host, token=databricks_token) def launch_step(self, step_context, prior_attempts_count): step_run_ref = step_context_to_step_run_ref( step_context, prior_attempts_count, self.local_pipeline_package_path ) run_id = step_context.pipeline_run.run_id log = step_context.log step_key = step_run_ref.step_key self._upload_artifacts(log, step_run_ref, run_id, step_key) task = self._get_databricks_task(run_id, step_key) databricks_run_id = self.databricks_runner.submit_run(self.run_config, task) try: # If this is being called within a `capture_interrupts` context, allow interrupts while # waiting for the execution to complete, so that we can terminate slow or hanging steps with raise_execution_interrupts(): self.databricks_runner.wait_for_run_to_complete(log, databricks_run_id) finally: if self.wait_for_logs: self._log_logs_from_cluster(log, databricks_run_id) for event in self.get_step_events(run_id, step_key): log_step_event(step_context, event) yield event def get_step_events(self, run_id, step_key): path = self._dbfs_path(run_id, step_key, PICKLED_EVENTS_FILE_NAME) events_data = self.databricks_runner.client.read_file(path) return deserialize_value(pickle.loads(events_data)) def _get_databricks_task(self, run_id, step_key): """Construct the 'task' parameter to be submitted to the Databricks API. This will create a 'spark_python_task' dict where `python_file` is a path on DBFS pointing to the 'databricks_step_main.py' file, and `parameters` is an array with a single element, a path on DBFS pointing to the picked `step_run_ref` data. See https://docs.databricks.com/dev-tools/api/latest/jobs.html#jobssparkpythontask. """ python_file = self._dbfs_path(run_id, step_key, self._main_file_name()) parameters = [ self._internal_dbfs_path(run_id, step_key, PICKLED_STEP_RUN_REF_FILE_NAME), self._internal_dbfs_path(run_id, step_key, PICKLED_CONFIG_FILE_NAME), self._internal_dbfs_path(run_id, step_key, CODE_ZIP_NAME), ] return {"spark_python_task": {"python_file": python_file, "parameters": parameters}} def _upload_artifacts(self, log, step_run_ref, run_id, step_key): """Upload the step run ref and pyspark code to DBFS to run as a job.""" log.info("Uploading main file to DBFS") main_local_path = self._main_file_local_path() with open(main_local_path, "rb") as infile: self.databricks_runner.client.put_file( infile, self._dbfs_path(run_id, step_key, self._main_file_name()) ) log.info("Uploading pipeline to DBFS") with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: # Zip and upload package containing pipeline zip_local_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, CODE_ZIP_NAME) build_pyspark_zip(zip_local_path, self.local_pipeline_package_path) with open(zip_local_path, "rb") as infile: self.databricks_runner.client.put_file( infile, self._dbfs_path(run_id, step_key, CODE_ZIP_NAME) ) log.info("Uploading step run ref file to DBFS") step_pickle_file = io.BytesIO() pickle.dump(step_run_ref, step_pickle_file) step_pickle_file.seek(0) self.databricks_runner.client.put_file( step_pickle_file, self._dbfs_path(run_id, step_key, PICKLED_STEP_RUN_REF_FILE_NAME), ) databricks_config = DatabricksConfig( storage=self.storage, secrets=self.secrets, ) log.info("Uploading Databricks configuration to DBFS") databricks_config_file = io.BytesIO() pickle.dump(databricks_config, databricks_config_file) databricks_config_file.seek(0) self.databricks_runner.client.put_file( databricks_config_file, self._dbfs_path(run_id, step_key, PICKLED_CONFIG_FILE_NAME), ) def _log_logs_from_cluster(self, log, run_id): logs = self.databricks_runner.retrieve_logs_for_run_id(log, run_id) if logs is None: return stdout, stderr = logs if stderr: log.info(stderr) if stdout: log.info(stdout) def _main_file_name(self): return os.path.basename(self._main_file_local_path()) def _main_file_local_path(self): return databricks_step_main.__file__ def _dbfs_path(self, run_id, step_key, filename): path = "/".join([self.staging_prefix, run_id, step_key, os.path.basename(filename)]) return "dbfs://{}".format(path) def _internal_dbfs_path(self, run_id, step_key, filename): """Scripts running on Databricks should access DBFS at /dbfs/.""" path = "/".join([self.staging_prefix, run_id, step_key, os.path.basename(filename)]) return "/dbfs/{}".format(path) class DatabricksConfig: """Represents configuration required by Databricks to run jobs. Instances of this class will be created when a Databricks step is launched and will contain all configuration and secrets required to set up storage and environment variables within the Databricks environment. The instance will be serialized and uploaded to Databricks by the step launcher, then deserialized as part of the 'main' script when the job is running in Databricks. The `setup` method handles the actual setup prior to solid execution on the Databricks side. This config is separated out from the regular Dagster run config system because the setup is done by the 'main' script before entering a Dagster context (i.e. using `run_step_from_ref`). We use a separate class to avoid coupling the setup to the format of the `step_run_ref` object. """ def __init__(self, storage, secrets): """Create a new DatabricksConfig object. `storage` and `secrets` should be of the same shape as the `storage` and `secrets_to_env_variables` config passed to `databricks_pyspark_step_launcher`. """ self.storage = storage self.secrets = secrets def setup(self, dbutils, sc): """Set up storage and environment variables on Databricks. The `dbutils` and `sc` arguments must be passed in by the 'main' script, as they aren't accessible by any other modules. """ self.setup_storage(dbutils, sc) self.setup_environment(dbutils) def setup_storage(self, dbutils, sc): """Set up storage using either S3 or ADLS2.""" if "s3" in self.storage: self.setup_s3_storage(self.storage["s3"], dbutils, sc) elif "adls2" in self.storage: self.setup_adls2_storage(self.storage["adls2"], dbutils, sc) else: raise Exception("No valid storage found in Databricks configuration!") def setup_s3_storage(self, s3_storage, dbutils, sc): """Obtain AWS credentials from Databricks secrets and export so both Spark and boto can use them.""" scope = s3_storage["secret_scope"] access_key = dbutils.secrets.get(scope=scope, key=s3_storage["access_key_key"]) secret_key = dbutils.secrets.get(scope=scope, key=s3_storage["secret_key_key"]) # Spark APIs will use this. # See https://docs.databricks.com/data/data-sources/aws/amazon-s3.html#alternative-1-set-aws-keys-in-the-spark-context. sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set( # pylint: disable=protected-access "fs.s3n.awsAccessKeyId", access_key ) sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set( # pylint: disable=protected-access "fs.s3n.awsSecretAccessKey", secret_key ) # Boto will use these. os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] = access_key os.environ["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] = secret_key def setup_adls2_storage(self, adls2_storage, dbutils, sc): """Obtain an Azure Storage Account key from Databricks secrets and export so Spark can use it.""" storage_account_key = dbutils.secrets.get( scope=adls2_storage["secret_scope"], key=adls2_storage["storage_account_key_key"] ) # Spark APIs will use this. # See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-gb/azure/databricks/data/data-sources/azure/azure-datalake-gen2#--access-directly-using-the-storage-account-access-key # sc is globally defined in the Databricks runtime and points to the Spark context sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set( # pylint: disable=protected-access "fs.azure.account.key.{}.dfs.core.windows.net".format( adls2_storage["storage_account_name"] ), storage_account_key, ) def setup_environment(self, dbutils): """Setup any environment variables required by the run. Extract any secrets in the run config and export them as environment variables. This is important for any `StringSource` config since the environment variables won't ordinarily be available in the Databricks execution environment. """ for secret in self.secrets: name = secret["name"] key = secret["key"] scope = secret["scope"] print( # pylint: disable=print-call "Exporting {} from Databricks secret {}, scope {}".format(name, key, scope) ) val = dbutils.secrets.get(scope=scope, key=key) os.environ[name] = val